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Free Surebets

On this page you will find current list of free surebets. A surebet is a situation when you are betting on all possible outcomes of the match for a guaranteed profit, regardless to the final outcome.

You can access our surebets completely for free. All you have to do is to open a free account.

To calculate the appropriate stakes for surebet, use our surebet calculator.

E-mail alert service about new surebets is also available for you.

Presently among compared odds there are 1 surebets.

Surebets statistics

Data from the past 30 days, last updated: 27 April 2024 08:00:22

Football Tennis MLB Hockey
The average profit: 2.30% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Average number of surebets: 560.29 / day 0.00 / day 0.00 / day 0.00 / day
The median duration: 0.92 min 0.00 min 0.00 min 0.00 min

The detailed data about our surebets you will find at Surebets stats section. You can also check our Surebets archive section, where you can find a list of all the surebets that we've found in last 7 days.

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